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Legend of the Rainbow

Monica Ashokumar
Published in
2 min readMay 29, 2021


Lo and behold, how the Rain threatens the world
To drown it in both sorrow and grief.
Ugly wings of everything gray and dreary unfurled,
To wipe away remnants of hope and belief.
And who might vanquish such gloomy evil?
None but the fierce and almighty Sun,
to chase away such an abhorrent devil.
But to reach out to the One is easier said than done.

‘I will go and drag him through’ said the valiant Red.
Raring to go duel with passionate rage, such a brute fellow.
Fearing he would offend the One, filled others with dread.
‘Maybe we should think this through’ spoke the timid Yellow.
‘I shall go and make Him listen to reason’, said the tranquil Blue.
’For the Sun to be out, T’is not the season’, said the thoughtful Green.
And thus sat furiously contemplating all the different hues.
When in came the wise and majestic Purple, their one true Queen.

‘Although the situation may seem dire,
Not all is ever lost, for I know of an ancient bridge.
One that connects both reality and desire.
For the Rain and Sun are both sides of the same ridge
Both misery and joy are necessary, so that the balance doesn’t tip.
To restore this balance, we must all unite.
And together become a symbol of hopeful fellowship.
Together we can bring light to this endless night.’

And this my friends, is the legend of the beautiful rainbow,
A symbol of hope in most dreary of times for all of you to know!



Monica Ashokumar
Blue Insights

Clinical Research Audiologist | PhD in Cognitive Sciences