Liveliness in my bedroom

A poem

Saman Jawaid
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2020


Photo by Hamza NOUASRIA on Unsplash

Putting the playlist on shuffle
I lie there motionless.
Almost like a dead body.
Not paying attention to the music
not even the lyrics.
Drowning in the whirlpool of
my thoughts.
Saying that I overthink would be
an understatement.
I notice the patterns of the curtain
and the shadows on the wall.
I look at the soft blue light creeping
in almost stealthily.
The shadows on the wall seem
to be moving.
I notice a pattern there too.
And in the silence of the night
I can hear the sound my eyes
make while blinking.
I listen to the way my blanket slides down.
I then think how stupid is to just sleep
and never notice this liveliness in my bedroom.
When I was little I believed that all the inanimate
things become living at night.
Now I think ain’t they already alive?

