Lost and Found

Dave Larocque
Blue Insights
1 min readDec 3, 2020



Haven’t you heard I cannot be found?
Where is Dave, is he not in the playground?
Why are you asking, like you really care
Is this from the heart or the mind that dares
Words from the mind often lack emotion
Being mindful is not all that heals repression
The heart, so sensitive, so many don’t give it company
The main thing is feelings are just too scary
You are not the mind, the heart or the body
You are the awareness that can embody
This explains the issue with feeling lonely
The kind of lonely while around anybody
Empty, darkness, questions and lack really
How can you be without if you don’t know who you are?
The wholeness you seek can seem so far
Being with yourself; practice presence
Your being needs your loving attention
Where-ever you are you can be found
In some way you are the playground



Dave Larocque
Blue Insights

Mind/Body/Soul Healing <> Spiritual Healing Through Pure Awareness <> Inspirational Rap