
Nancy Mutisya
Blue Insights
4 min readFeb 25, 2024


Photo by Julius Drost on Unsplash

I recall watching Dynamo, the magician, being interviewed on The Diary of A CEO YouTube channel last December. As a kid, I watched a lot of Dynamo’s magic shows on TV and was always fascinated by what he was doing. So when I saw his interview, I was so excited because this was someone who intrigued my mind as a kid. To some extent, it almost aroused my desire to want to be a magician 😂. I loved that interview, by the way. So open and honest.

For a very long time, I thought magic was some sort of superhuman act. I thought that there were some folks who were born with powers that the rest of us don’t have. To me, magic was out of this world. It’s not until recently that I learned that magic is not real; it’s learned. This happened during one of our lunch breaks at school when one of my friends did a magic card trick that blew my mind! I was like, “How the hell did you do that?” Afterwards, though, after her moment of fame was over, we convinced her to spill the beans on how she did that “witchcraft” 😂. Turns out anyone can learn these things.

There’s nothing like magic. I got on YouTube after my dear friend gave us secrets to the unknown world and found numerous channels teaching how to do magic tricks. Now, I tried a few times but just couldn’t seem to get a hold of it; seems like I’m not among the chosen ones of the magic world 😂. What awestruck me was finding out that my favorite magician also is not superhuman! And that day marked the end of the crush I had for him 😏. However, even though magic is learned, it’s really not for anyone. You have to do it a million times to have it at your fingertips and reach the levels of Dynamo and the others.

I remember when Dynamo walked on water. I was among the people who were wondering who is this trying to compete with Jesus? Turns out it was just an arranged trick with some glass platform under the water. Let me tell you, the ridiculous things people said and thought, including my young self, would’ve made headlines in heaven if it was actually real 😄. Many of us were furious at what he did, ignorant of how he did it. And don’t get me started on these religious people.

What makes magic such a mind-boggling thing is the craft behind it. The same way I always wonder how pilots control planes without killing us or ship captains maneuvering those huge cargo ships in the middle of nowhere. Of course, I know there’s auto-pilot and stuff, but the technical skills that go into it are not for the simple-minded.

I watched some magic tricks the other day by some guy. At first, it was obviously unimaginable, but the more I watched it, the more I noticed the trick in it. One of them he made the cards he was holding disappear, and I was like, “What?!” I had to check myself to ensure my mind was still working, because that was crazy. However, after watching it in slow motion, I literally recognized him doing the trick by just placing the cards in his pocket while covering the other ones with his finger. All of that may sound simple, but it happened in a matter of 2 seconds. And that’s the craft.

If I were to replicate that act, I would probably be in jail for stupidity 😂. How these individuals have mastered magic and can turn a simple act into an out-of-this-world act is top-tier mastery. This literally led me to think about Top Gun: Maverick, one of the best aviation movies according to me. I honestly thought this was shot in a studio with some tech magic, but yoh, I was wrong. They shot actual flying military planes!! I mean, this was real!! No wonder it’s top tier.

I’m pretty sure you’ve read the story of Harry Houdini, a magician who claimed he could escape from any jail cell within an hour of being locked in. He did this hundreds of times and became quite famous for it. One instance, a small town in the British Isles had built a new jail cell and they called him to come and do what he does best. So he went, got locked in, and started his magic ways. It turns out he used to have a lockpick in his belt that he would use to open the locks. On this day, though, it wasn’t working. After 2 hours of hustling, he fell down against the door and the door flung open. Plot twist, the door was never locked!!

People have various perspectives about magic; others say it’s just mind games, and maybe some are, but most are just mastered skills. There are various types of magic that I won’t talk about; you can research further if you’re curious like me. Magic remains magic, whether it’s performed by your boyfriend or a real magician.



Nancy Mutisya
Blue Insights

Turning thoughts, likes, ideas, and much more into stories.