Magical Faith Center of Infinite Love

Awakens Yearnings

Francine Fallara -
Published in
Nov 30, 2020


Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash

Magical faith
A dream resulting
From hours hoping true love

Broken heart sealed
Confetti moments
Center of infinite love

Rings births new star thrills
Kinky erotic sex appeals
Awakens yearnings

Amuses prismatic colors
Throws recycled proposals
Jubilant love tones

Limitless horizons
Frontier free landscapes
Visions farther than our stares

Losing our bearings
Lovers’ roars

Band together smack
Treble notes swell boom bang POW
WOW love lust desires

Francine Fallara, 2020



Francine Fallara -
Blue Insights

Passionate, genuine and creative simple girl striving daily to express my inner rebel warrior. Geologist exploring the world for all its natural beauties.