Memories Engraved

I am missing you, it is that simple

Alma Awakened
Published in
Oct 29, 2020


Photo by Author

Even when
you have forgotten
my face, my name,
and even when
you have erased
the moments had.

Even if
you are celebrating
steady love,
or even if
you think of planning
sour good-byes.

Even when I
no longer have you
in my life,
and even though
missing you sounds
strange, almost unreal,
hard to understand.

I think of you,
all day and night,
and of all we had,
because the
memories engraved
on all things touched,
and the air we inhaled,
carry me back to you,
as if there was never
a last good-bye.

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Alma Awakened
Blue Insights

Passionate writer inspired by life moments and a profound desire to let her creativity fly high and her soul shine bright