Memory Hill

Words by Egypt
Blue Insights
1 min readMar 10, 2024



Photo by Slav Romanov on Unsplash

i remember that hill.

it wasn’t one I particularly liked.

yet with its eerie vision, it beckons me ever to it.

it is there I visit daily.

it is the hill where my hurts, and pains dance freely.

it is where my sweet dreams are trapped at the top,

whilst my nightmares reign supreme everywhere.

it is the hill where my true lovers are held prisoners by the false lovers I danced with.

it is the hill where my eyes grow dim when I remember my once innocent heart.

It is the hill I never want to climb again.

yet it never stops climbing into my mind.

It is the hill where my heart became cold.

where the sunshine of life began to dim

it is the hill where my body morphed into a tool of desire

and where my mind became corrupted and blackened

it is the place where all I want is to forget.

but the haunting visions never leave me.

I curse that damned hill



Words by Egypt
Blue Insights

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.