My new job, in the new country

Blue Insights
3 min readMay 27, 2022


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

After clearing a series of interviews, I got an email confirmation the eve before I moved to the UK — I was hired!

Fast forward…after a long wait, an hour ago, I received an email I had been waiting for. Drumroll, please…Finally, I got a confirmation email from my new employer along with my joining date, which is coming Monday, 30 May’22. I am so happy, excited, and proud, that I could cry.

A new job in a new country, I believe will continuously stretch one’s ability, endurance, and confidence. Life is full of surprises.

If you have been reading my articles, you’d know I have relocated to a new continent, a new country & a new city & moved the hemisphere too! After living in India all my life first in Bangalore (South of India) and then 3 lovely years in Delhi (Capital of India), I had some glimpses of the outside world during my international trips and I was settling in rather comfortably in Delhi when we got an opportunity to move, & just like that on a serious working dinner date between me & my husband, discussing how it will change our lives forever, we decided its time for a new adventure & we were ready to go all in. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into but I love it. I loved the move to Delhi, I love this new one too.

Sure there were moments before and after we made the decision that we thought, are we crazy to be starting from scratch, but it was worth it, I thought it was a great idea. No experience can come close to relocating. I always wanted to experience living in a new country, it challenges oneself to the fullest. Everything you have ever known is challenged & there is nothing familiar around you.
There is an allure of a new place that makes you want to explore & live your life to the full every day. The newness, the adventure of this new life waiting for us 10 hours by flight from our home country was enough to convince me to just close my eyes and do it, just jump in.

Now two months later I find myself in that space where the excitement is still brimming in my heart, & yet can’t believe we have made it. The feeling is as if yet to sink in. Luckily having travelled a lot all my life, thanks to my parents, I’ve been up and down the adaption curve enough times to know to just hold tight and enjoy the ride.

Maybe now living through the pandemic, I realise we should take the opportunity and recover all the memorable moments of our lives that we missed. I feel as if I have I have hit the refresh button in this whole process and I look forward to a great future full of excitement and adventure that awaits me.



Blue Insights

Exploring my world one day at a time with joy & passion — via words, books, paints & travel. Making sense of what life means to me on this journey