My only request to all medium blog writers, it’s genuine!

Amit way
Blue Insights
2 min readDec 2, 2022


you know sharing and caring is not just a quote to put along smiling emoji but action matters equally

We know it’s not easy to just write everyday to allure readers and search engines across web.
But when it becomes a matter of paying bills then you write,write and write, everyday nonstop,it just defeats the very purpose of why you started writing.

It was 5 in my noon clock and i was with my coffee cup thinking
Why reading and writing is so rare in today’s reels addict world. I asked my friend (a medium writer as well), she said only 2 things can fix things

Genuine readership👍

Consistent earning💰

I thought what if each medium writer just supports 3 writers only,

  • personally in helping her how to be successful as a writer.
  • Supporting by buying her creation.
  • buying stuff using her affiliated links as a matter of thanks to her efforts.

What if writers and readers like you could do the same, it could change the whole game!

And you know what it’ll not only bring monetary benefits to talented writers who are leaving what they love but also strengthen long lasting bond within creators community.

And ofcourse reels addict people can extract some inspiration from here.

So it’s my humble request, if you find some interesting tool, app or software ,try buying it using affiliate links present in writers post you found helpful.

Most important do it with😊smile and don’t miss a thank you note in comments!

Whatever you do or capable of, just support writers and creators in whichever way possible.

You know joy of giving never fails
neither law of karma,it compounds only,give a try!

Let’s make it happen!

Support 3 writers today
Spread 😊 smilies!

@Amit way signing off



Amit way
Blue Insights

Hey! buddy, i am an engineer |POET | REBEL WRITER |YOUR LOST FRIEND|,POST 3x weekly on MIND AND MATTER. Support me here