Member-only story
No New Year Resolutions
Once a year oaths never change people who won’t change
The only New Year’s resolution I am making this year is to make none. If I should be doing it, then I am already doing it, and if I have to wait once a year to declare I will change in January, still probably clinging to my bad habits until the last day, then I have other issues resolutions simply can’t fix.
You either do the right things in life to keep your mind growing, your body fit, and most importantly, making sure you are a decent human being, and not the prick you have always been, or you don’t. You get up every day, do what’s right, and get on with your life. Being a good person isn’t a once a year oath, it is a daily way of life… you are or you are not, a choice made five seconds after you open your eyes each morning. Pet the dog or kick the dog, pet the wife or snarl at the wife. You get up good, or you rise evil, but still your choice daily, not a once a year, oh this sounds good commitment.
Resolutions are kind of senseless really, I have let myself become a pathetic wreck of a human being this year, but after I finish this drink and get through December, well, I am going to be a new person, a better human being, just wait, you will see… as the dog peeks out under the couch waiting for you to stop talking and just do it.