Not Ice Age Nor Hellfires Could Destroy the Astonishing Ginkgo

A Poem

Pseu Pending (Seu)
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2022


Ginkgo leaves in their fall color. Photo: Joe Schneid, Louisville, Kentucky [source]

Translucent flares of soft gold cascade
down from branches up again
midair, swaying on invisible hammocks,
sashaying moves beguile
Summer ends with a swirling breeze
in the land of poets and ginkgo trees

Prehistory ginkgo birthed, dodged glaciers deep
in central China — fellow plants extinct
Survived hellish Kanto fire, outlived
Hiroshima bomb¹ where nothing grew for years
Twenty/forty autumns no harvests from new trees
Will it bear fruit in peace?

Why do you doubt nature’s triumph, faithless humans?
Ginkgo your kin is stardust² seed on fire feeds
Trudges are preludes to satisfaction deep
Autumn is your true glory
Drop your greying worldly worries
All seasons decree autumn holds the keys



Pseu Pending (Seu)
Blue Insights

Leisure is a path to the thinking process. Museum Educator/ Contemporary Art Researcher/ Lover of the culinary arts. Top writer in Poetry, Art, Food, Creativity