Nothing is worry

Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2020


How are you today? Worrying? Gasp! Stop! I’ll tell you something today which will have you think twice when you begin to worry from now on?

What is worry?

Anticipating negative outcome.

What is Anticipation?

Expecting, which means you believe it will happen and so, are waiting for it to come your way. It’s like you are wondering when are the guests going to arrive? Hence, you are calling the negative outcome to come, in the form of a nudging uneasiness which remains at the back of your head constantly day and night.

It would seem only reasonable for the logical thing to do out here is to stop calling, right? But how to not worry when the doom is upon us?

I understand.

To begin with, Darlings, to expect negative outcome means you have already lost and accepted it. And you can never win if you believe no matter what in the end you will end up losing. So, the motive here is to eliminate this attitude from the subconscious. And in order to do that we need to understand worry.

There is this thing about life. Very obvious but overlooked.

It is alive.

It’s moving. Life around you is always moving and everything has its own momentum. So, you gotta keep moving to be a part of life, to be living, to feel as if you are living. You start to feel worry the moment you stop because life is passing you by. But, before we discuss stop let’s talk about moving.

What is moving?

Moving is being grateful for what you have in the moment and making the best use of it for yourself. Much unlike the loser mentality of expecting a negative outcome, what gratitude does is makes you believe that what you are and have right now is more than enough and so, within that abundance that you already acquire you are driven to your most creative self to create most creative outcome from the sources you already have. In short it is an attitude of “Never backing down” and that means there is no stopping you.

So, a state of “Stop” is when you are unable to move forward like something is holding you down. “Holding you down” means you are not able to reach your highest potential because there are factors constricting you. You crave freedom to create. This lack of freedom is a negative term I associate with worry.

Nothing positive can ever hold you back. Positivity has good momentum it is when you start to rationalize it that is begins stop.

Imagine you are so happy and grateful about something which soon turns into a situation where you become too happy and grateful that you don’t want anything to go wrong and fear losing what you have. Does that sound familiar to you? I’m sure it does because what you have managed to do out here is turn something SO positive into negative because of worry.

What does it mean to give in to worry?

It means your next is act will always be an act of defense and not an offence. Where as not to be on an offence means you are not taking charge of what you really want because right now, your worry is taking charge of what it wants and when it is potentially incapable of even achieving victory what will you achieve?

What one must remember is this so called “worry”is only fleeting. It is fleeting because you are constantly moving ( recall above definition) and you don’t really have time for it. Unless, you take the worry with you which is just an excuse for not wanting to deal with taking actions.

Poor worry is just an instant reaction to any form of change which means your course is changing. Your non acceptance of taking a different course then turns worry into something bigger and leaves you with what you want which is paralysis and put and stuck where you are.

What you have time for however is moving.

Funny thing about worry is it doesn’t really have it’s own hands and legs to run and keep up with you. The only way it can is if you give them it.

So, let me ask you again. How are you today?



Blue Insights

Everybody deserves to live a SIMPLE life. Deciphering life for you. May peace of mind be with you.