On the Wings of Spirit Airlines

A revolution occurred

Mark Tulin
Published in
1 min readSep 3, 2022


Photo by the author, Mark Tulin

Philadelphia held me captive,
a repeated drive down a twelve-lane boulevard,
eating hoagies every night from the Wawa market —
a city, a history, a past married in winter’s ice,
and summer’s humidity.

I needed a revolution,
so I manifested a West Coast angel
who arrived on the wings of Spirit Airlines
to rescue me.

She came at the right moment,
straightened my closet of trauma,
helped to rid me of old furniture,
things and people that no longer belong.

She replaced my stale coffee with sweet tea,
and gave me a panacea for life’s wrong turns.
She caressed me in her warm wings,
transported my body through barren fields,
into the citrus smells of orange groves
and atop the mountains with snowy peaks —
healing my wounds and reviving
the passion I thought I had lost.



Mark Tulin

I escaped a therapy career to follow a dream. Poetry/Humor/Sexuality/Doodler/Storyteller — https://crowonthewire.com