Out of the Glass Container

poetry at the end of 14-day institutional quarantine.

Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readAug 14, 2020


View from the hotel room. Photo credits- the author.

Truly understood only when fully denied.

Out the window,
Looking at something magnificent,
every day,
that I can't reach.

So close yet so far.

A man-made beauty.
Beautiful at first
boring in a few.

Lies no open window
for the sun to grace my skin
no wind to blow me away.

Staying in long,
so I need not stay in longer.

Safe but bored.
We survived. They all do.

Finally out,
tame beasts ready to stray.

I can breathe
no, not the air conditioner this time.

a little dramatic?
maybe not.

Author’s Note- Wear a mask for God’s sake. The pandemic is real- couldn’t get more real than right now.
Stay Safe!



Blue Insights

student who hopes to share wittily humorous poems, anecdotes, and ideas about navigating adulthood