
Avi Quinn
Blue Insights


There’s a point when enduring pain where you just go numb. The nerve endings either learn to tolerate it and you adapt, or they’re so worn down they stop sending signals to your brain. This is also true with emotional pain: There comes a point when you’ve endured enough emotional pain, that your heart becomes numb. Just like nerve endings, the pain may or may not ever recover fully.

Part of the crying response, to both physical and emotional pain, result also in your body feeling numb. This is a defense mechanism of your body.


I’ve felt it physically, from a fist fight to a whip, to a car accident, to stabbings, to burns, and so much more.

I’ve felt it emotionally, from having my heart broken more than once, to seeing my child injured, to witnessing death both violently and naturally, to being rejected by those who should’ve provided unconditional love, and so much more.


Pain weakens us, enrages us, throws us into sorrow, but it also strengthens us, teaches us, builds us.

The test of pain is a lifelong journey that most will never master. I do not believe that everyone’s trials are as equally has hard as others only depending on perspective. That concept so many believe is false. No. Everyone has different thresholds, and many people experience pain far worse than others. It’s not the same thing.

Pain isn’t only inflicted on the bad people. It’s unbiased. Everyone will experience pain on some level.

The worst emotional pain one can feel is that of losing a child, and no, pets will never count the same as a child. The second worst emotional pain you can feel is being betrayed by the people/person you love most. That person you gave your entire heart to, the person who knows your very worst fears and one day they reach out into your heart and squeeze it into suffocation.


One day I look forward to meeting Job, from the Bible. I think he and I will have some incredible stories to swap over a fire on a beach.



Avi Quinn
Blue Insights

Excited to share many of my life's traumatic experiences. Hold on tight! In no particular order, coming soon!