Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Papa Sun, Mama Sky

Gratitude comes heavy and whole from their hearts


There is, somewhere, the bluest sunshine you’ve seen.
The sky and sun forget their borders and instead,
show each other off.
Look how brightly the sky shines.
Look, how blue the sun.
And the people below feel proud to have stood beneath such a union.
These people, these children, are fed
minute to minute, day and night,
their posture open and tall, muscles smooth, bones strong,
eyes like shop windows housing rows and rows of fruit,
rows and rows of sweet heaven.
For these blessings, of course, they have heaven to thank.
Mother Sun and Father Sky.
Papa Sun, Mama Sky.
The blue and bright.
Gratitude comes heavy and whole from their hearts.
How I ache, how I envy.

Madeleine is a graduate student of Marriage and Family Therapy in Atlanta, Georgia. She has a black cat, writes a lot of poetry, and has a show-tune for absolutely every occasion. Read more from her word-loving brain here.

