Poem: Heal Your Wounds

A Poem on Rumi’s quote: “The Wound is Where the Light Enters.”

Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readMay 27, 2022


Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

I write this poem after being inspired by Rumi, an enlightened Sufi master.

The wound is the place where the light enters.
When you’re wounded, observe.
When you’re wounded, listen.
When you’re wounded, become mindful.
When you’re wounded, become vigilant.

The wound is the place where the light enters.
The universe teaches something through wounds.
The universe speaks something through wounds.

Life seems unfair because there are wounds everywhere.
Wounds in the mind.
Wounds in the body.
Some wounds are caused by me.
Some wounds are caused by others.
Some wounds are maintained by me.
Some wounds are maintained by others.

If the wound comes from within, I cleanse myself inside.
When the wound comes from without, I remain free inside.

When I encounter a wound, I work things that are within my control.
When I encounter a wound, I leave things that are beyond my control.

Every good can be a teacher of life lessons.
Every bad that wounds can also be a great teacher.
A good one teaches us… how to live life.
A bad one teaches us… how not to live life.

When wounds come, don’t fight them.
When wounds come, study them.
When wounds come, merge with them.
When the wound comes, talk to them.
Ask the wound: Why are you here?
Ask the wound: Who sent you to me?

Know the pain of the wound and soothe it.
Recognize the pain of the wound and manage it.
Recognize the wound and contemplate it.
Reflect and retain the lessons.
Name your wounds as your medals.
I know wounds leave bitter memories,
use bitter wounds as your survival tools.

The wound becomes hard sometimes.
Wounds become hard when hard memories are etched inside you.
Wounds become hard when you don’t know why the wound arrive.

Distance yourself from the wound.
Begin to look at the wound from a distance.
Reflect on what you’ve learned from the pain of your wounds.
Keep the lessons and continue your mission.

I know it’s hard to be wounded, but you can heal.
You can heal through inner works.
You can heal well…
if you see the wound as a message from life.
You can heal well…
if you see the wound as a message from the universe.
You can heal well…
if you work to come back stronger.

The wound is hard, but you’ll heal.
The wound is hard, but you’ll shine in the light…
that comes in through the wound.
If you’re aware of the why, what, when, where, and how of the wound,
the wound slowly disappears.

Never let mistakes repeat themselves.
Never get yourself wounded again and again.
The wound gets dissolved when the lessons are absorbed.

Never let the same wound knock on your door more than once.
Wound returns if lessons aren’t certain.

Keep your faith.
Learn the lesson.
Come back stronger.
Use the wound as your light.

Heal well and heal fine.

Thank you for reading my insights.

I’m the author of the empowering personal spiritual guidebook, “The Cosmic Romance with Existence,” and The Golden Halo, a free newsletter that delivers enlightening stories and poems to your inbox.

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