Poetry Saved My Life

A Poem about my love for poetry

Adonis Richards
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readFeb 22, 2024


image Credit to Adonis Richards

I fell in love with words long before actions became a thing
These syllables became heartfelt love letters that made passages massive
Learning to contest feelings with
Powerful parables I descend into myself learning, living, loving
Poetry saved my life, and I fell desperately for her plight

Silently craving affection as my brain burst,
The collection of sentences piling up the pain, passion,
and happiness,
I rose from the depths of my insanity

With a smile knowing I found solace in something
That returned the love I gave it
Each night I learned something new about the beautiful new muse
And watch it dance with me in the night

Combatting each other till we ran out of breath
Alliteration alleviated the exhaustion I felt chasing expectations
Instead, I found rhymes and hymns that gave me more wins
Than the myriad of women I’ve laid with

Words changed me,
separating me from the idea that I couldn’t achieve my dreams



Adonis Richards
Blue Insights

Writer and poet aspiring to write and create content. Website: adonisinquiry.com