Psychological foreplay

A sense between two strangers

Sapir Nahari
Blue Insights
Published in
Feb 26, 2024


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The man told me he loved me through the window screen that was too thick for us.

I was mouthing back I hate you but he couldn’t hear through the double glaze.

The attraction was there all night long, he made glances at me whilst bored with his dinner conversation and I pretended I didn’t care. If only he could brush past my leg in the most delicate way.

I thought drinking wine on my own in a bar was the epitome of cool yet it didn’t feel so when the couples gave me dirty looks.

He made me repeat this same old pattern again in my head. A thought became hours of obsession and I found myself again in the same karmic ring.

Thank you all for reading my work 🧡



Sapir Nahari
Blue Insights

Curly haired Yemenite Jew. Made in Israel. Live in London. Psychiatric doctor. Mother to cat Leelah. I write about my observations using poetry.