Pull The Plug

A poem.

Brian Kurian
Published in
1 min readAug 5, 2019


Image by JL G from Pixabay

All around the hospital room I can see,
my loved ones are gathered around me,
in the hospital room,
where I’m soon to meet my doom.

I’m hooked up to life support,
looks like my life is about to get cut short,
no one knows that I can still see them,
they think I’m brain dead, that’s why they’ve all come.

Everyone is here to pay their last respects,
as the doctor does one last vital check,
they all give me one last hug,
it looks like my parents are about to pull the plug.

I wish I hadn’t fallen asleep at the wheel,
and crashed into that beam of steel,
then I wouldn’t be here today,
now my life is fading fast, and there’s nothing I can say.

Other poems of mine:

