Replaying Yesterday

Technology makes living in the past easier — is that our future?

Darren Richardson
Published in
1 min readMar 27, 2021


Everything becomes a verb eventually
and probably is to begin with.
It just takes some time to notice things,
and things are not always what they seem.

I’ve never trusted nouns,
their fuzzy specificity constantly blurred
by the moving picture that is Life,
the motion of action around and within.

To do, to be, to see, to free,
to witness it all again in unreal time
after preserving the procession of moments
with a convenience machine.

Everything behind us is frozen already,
except it’s not, it’s still accessible
as we turn toward the past,
almost timeless, almost out of time.

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Darren Richardson
Blue Insights

Headline writer & copy editor for 15-plus years in newspapers (1990–2006) ; digital professional since 2008. Twitter: