
Poetry prompt response

Published in
Jun 10, 2021


Photo by Christopher Paul High on Unsplash

Memories exist
That we would rather leave in the past
Moving on and recovering
Perhaps through
Therapy or counselling
Being healed and mended
Scars disappearing
Or moving on and adapting
More likely through
Immersing ourselves in work
And ignoring
Never confronting
Scars hidden but still nagging
Unseen by everyone else
But as clear as the shine of the sun
To the one that has them
Some memories
Never leave

Thank you for reading, I wrote this in response to Melanie J., the prompt involves writing about something that broke you from inside.

Here is Melanie’s piece

Here is the original prompt by Sahil Patel



Blue Insights

I write to understand myself and the world around me || Trying to be as human as I can be