
Summer Lee
Blue Insights


Photo by Marek Piwnicki on Unsplash

The distance between two souls
Humming, vibrating
Just a fingertip apart
Is overwhelming
With too much of life and air
and me and you
We are too close
and somehow not close enough

The silvery webs of consciousness
Imperceptible between bone and flesh
Rouse and tremble
Longing, yearning, reaching
For some Other
For some recognition

The soul shudders to a stillness
And is set quietly adrift
There is no one near
How can that be
In the vastness of the universe?

I cannot decide if I prefer
The incessant, throbbing hum
Of two souls in the same space
Who could either meet in ecstasy
Or tear each other to ribbons

Or this silence
A soul whole
But a soul alone

It swims in the sea of stars
Somehow comforted by the endless blankets
Of twinkling lights
And velvety darkness



Summer Lee
Blue Insights

“A reader and a writer. A dreamer more than anything else.” Placeholder text until I find more of myself to tell you about it.