Thinking Humor

Socrates, A New Proof?

Socrates proves that the moon is made of cheese

Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readSep 13, 2024


Statue honoring Socrates
Photo by Felipe Pérez Lamana on Unsplash

I read Socratic dialogue in Literature or Philosophy class more than fifty years ago. I didn’t go back to check my memory, but my enduring impression was of Socrates sitting around with an amen corner of yes-men who seemed too willing to accept any questionable premise advanced by the master. Based on that impression, here is a new Socratic proof.

S: It is true, is it not, that cheese is made most efficiently in perfectly round cylinders?
A: That of course is true, Socrates.
S: And it is surely beyond dispute that Swiss cheese has round cutouts or pocks?
A: That is also indisputable.
S: And isn’t it also the case that the moon has round pocks or circles just as the cheese?
A: I can find no fault with that statement, Socrates.
S: And isn’t it well known that the gods above us in the sky have an appetite for wine and cheese?
A: That is indeed well known, Socrates.
S: And wouldn’t you agree that the sky is the realm of the gods and they allow nothing in their realm that does not serve their purpose?
A: There can be no doubt that is so, Socrates.
S: And have we not all seen that the moon at divers times of the month has been partially nibbled away?
A: We have all most certainly observed that, Socrates.
S: Have I not proven then, beyond any doubt, that the…

