Crazy Red Flags From Casey Anthony’s New Documentary.

Tina Viju
Blue Insights


Where the truth does not lie.


Casey Anthony hopes to clean up her image by insisting on her innocence in Peacock’s new documentary ‘Casey Anthony: Where The Truth Lies.’

Director Alexandra Dean says she approached the docuseries as an investigative journalist and interviewed many people about the case. Having watched the series, one thing is for sure.

The documentary is heavily pro-Casey.

Dean got the perfect opportunity to ask Casey questions which have haunted people about this tragic case. But instead, she gave Casey center stage to tell her side without much cross-examining.

I would have liked to see Dean grill Casey on inconsistencies or challenge her statements. There is a little rebuttal to Casey’s claims from the prosecution, or anyone else. This doesn’t make the documentary compelling.

Casey plays the ‘I have amnesia.’ card in the very beginning. When she talks of the day Caylee died, she begins by saying “I can tell you what I remember from that morning. It is not much.

How can someone not remember every detail of the day their child died?

Casey then goes on to say she is a very light sleeper as she always had to be on high alert as a child worrying if her father…



Tina Viju
Blue Insights

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper