The Art of Growing Old

Some People Love the Darkness

The worst that has happened to you has happened to us all

Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2024


By JIE GAO on iStock (image licensed by author)

Your eyes are open, but you see nothing but darkness, your mind refusing to let the light find you, easier to embrace the blackness rather than seek the good, easier to be the victim instead of the hero of your own life. Everyone has a turn, the worst of life finds us all. Businesses struggle, relationships end, and maybe end again, people we can’t live without die and we make mistakes we expect will kill us, but that just isn’t your bad day, it is the day we all live.

There is nothing bad that has happened to you that has not happened to a hundred others just yesterday. Bad things happening in your life doesn’t make you special, but how you handle those things sets you apart from a universe of others.

When bad times happen you can become buried by life, the burden so heavy you can no longer breathe. Then the burden lifts, so now what do you do? Do you seek the light or remain shaking under the bed in the dark? Do you blame the world and cling to your darkness, or take responsibility for who you will become because of those challenges?

Some people love the darkness, love the role of the forever victim. “You don’t know me, how hard my life is, what has happened…



Blue Insights

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.