Soulmate Love

A free-verse poem

Kavya Janani. U
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2022


Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

When I open my eyes,
a feeling called belonging
pulses through my nerves,
as I look at your
cherubic sleeping face.
Your huge arms entwined
around my uneven body
feels like the return
of all the sunlight
I lost in my life.
I move closer to you,
safekeeping our
paper-thin hearts
between our skins,
where oceans of true love
flow without any care.
I trace my fingers
across your cocoa cheek,
wishing you to
open your eyes and look at me.
Instead, you hug me tighter,
leaving no space for our breaths
to escape our nakedness.

I whisper your soft name,
for the cave of my throat
always houses it.
I could repeat it a million times,
make it a way of returning home,
for no other word makes my mouth
as tender as your name.
Your eyes flutter open,
revealing a long-buried oracle,
where I see a…



Kavya Janani. U
Blue Insights

I'm just a speck in the universe mommying, reading, writing poems-stories-songs, singing, making playlists, and working 9-5.