Spiritual Practices

Mindful Poetry

Randy Shingler
Blue Insights
Published in
Mar 27, 2022


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Pink line spreads across the morning sky
Sparse light of sun obscured by clouds
While most of sky gray accumulations,
At the stark beginning of likely cloudy day
Harbinger of more tortured world events

Conflicts arise nearly everywhere
Whether far off places fighting wars
Or polarized events here in America
Peace and tranquillity are hard to find
In happenings in our world today

Peaceful calm is only found within
Retreating from conflictual events
In spiritual practices of any kind
Also, in nature’s abundant gifts
Observing renewal of spring blooms.
Looking deeply within ourselves

Souls vibrant and forever present
Understanding who we indeed are
Illuminated by spiritual practices.



Randy Shingler
Blue Insights

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.