Stoic Values

Randy Shingler
Blue Insights


Roman Stoic Emperor Marcus Aurelius by 6212079 from Pixabay.

Enthralled by words of ancient Roman Stoics
Philosopher Seneca, Emperor Marcus Aurelius
Believed in exemplifying virtue in all actions
Cultivating wisdom, justice, courage, moderation
Cognitive distancing while observing sensations.

What this means to our societies today
With people rarely engaging philosophy,
How stoic principles can enrich our lives
As we go about daily routine activities
And addressing major societal challenges.

Looking ever deeper within myself
New virtues I might seek to cultivate
Adding new dimensions to my life
Wisdom, justice, courage, moderation
Treating self with compassionate love.

Reflections on these ancient Stoics
Values they embodied in their lives
Avoiding pure hedonistic temptations
Not perfect but always seeking virtue.



Randy Shingler
Blue Insights

Writer, Poet, Essayist, Meditator, Compassionate Being, Top writer in Poetry,History, and Diversity.