Teen Meltdown Versus Dad Ego
When these two powerful forces collide, there’s only one winner…common sense
One day I was roaming around the house (like I live in a mansion…I don’t) and I hear loud bangs and bumps coming from my daughter’s room.
WTF is going on in there?
I knock.
She answers, through the door, “Yes! What is it?” As a parent, I don’t think I’m alone here, but I hate talking through doors.
I ask, “Uuuh, honey, what are you doing?”
She fires back, “Ugh, I’m looking for something. Leave me alone.”
Easy, dad ego. Nuh, nuh, hey! The door stays on its hinges, okay? It’s not about you.
She’s trying to solve a problem while frustrated and she doesn’t have time to deal with your wounded parent brain.
I walk away without saying a word. Minutes later, more bangs, more bumps…then a boom. That’s it!
I knock again.
Hmm, WTF is she talking to?