The Balancing Bird

Poem about my experience of multiple red Cardinal encounters this week.

Kyle Wallbaum
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readJun 3, 2021


Image by Patrice Bouchard from

Today mark’s the fifth day in a row
that I have been graced with the
presence of a singular red Cardinal —
one on each day.

Swooping in and out of my line of sight
like a shooting star across the sky.
His beautiful red plumage streaking through the air
encapsulating my mind and allowing my visual acuity
to become honed in on this bird’s natural elegant beauty.

In this moment,
an overflowing feeling
of being emotionally grounded
within me was evident.
I felt a calmness in my being,
an intution within my gut,
and a sense of absolute trust
within my heart.

For when I saw this balancing bird today,
I knew that my path was true.
That allowing my hearts wings
to open in vulnerability
and to soar in the experience
of the moment is an attainable reality.



Kyle Wallbaum
Blue Insights

Self-expression writer. Normalizing the human experience.