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The Bare Minimum In A Relationship

Benny Lim
Blue Insights
Published in
7 min readOct 31, 2019


Instead, you should be doing above and beyond what is supposed to be the norm in a mutually beneficial relationship. Because honestly, the standards have seriously dropped so low now that even the most basic things are considered chivalrous.

And when I say basic things, what do I mean?

Holding the door open

C’mon guys, really? The fact that I see some girls tweet things like “Oh, my boyfriend opened every single door for me today, he is such a gentleman. I’m such a lucky girl and I bet you wish your boyfriend was like mine,” makes me shake my head.

Opening the door for your lady is not even negotiable.

It’s not.

You should be opening the doors for her as much as you can. I don’t mean you have to walk around the car and open her car door every single time. You can do that if you want to but what I’m talking about is opening…



Benny Lim
Blue Insights

Medium writer since 2019, writing my way to a better life, and helping you lead a better life, one article at a time.