Remote Work

The Best Perk Of Remote Work That No One Talks About.

It’s just stinking great!

Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readFeb 20, 2023


Photo by Windows on Unsplash

It has been almost a year since I returned to the office after 2 years of remote work. It was hard trading in my elastic pajamas for office attire. On top of that nothing fit. Those pandemic pounds are stubborn.

The convenience that comes with remote work cannot be denied. Less commute, more flexibility, and work-life balance. We essentially get back more time in the day.

However, it was only after returning back to the office that I realized there was another hidden benefit of remote work --Pooping from the comfort of my home.

There, I said it. I guess no one talks about it as it is slightly TMI. We don’t want our colleagues or worse our boss in on our poop schedule.

In my younger days, my colon used to be a well-oiled machine with its plumbing working seamlessly like clockwork. I took it for granted.

Enter Irritable bowel syndrome. It turned my colon into a rebellious teenager. I tried to bribe peristalsis movements with cups of coffee, boatloads of fiber, prunes, and even the squatty potty, but not a contraction.

It only went when it wanted to. More often than not, that happened at the most inconvenient times…



Blue Insights

Cancer geek . Lover of words & fried rice . Memory Keeper