Photo by Ike louie Natividad from Pexels

The Mysterious Tale Of The Evil Eye

Is it just a superstition?


The Greeks believed the eye to an extremely powerful sense, medusa was able to turn people into stone with her gaze, while narcissus fell in love with himself with just a glance at his reflection, which proved to be the bane of his existence.

The eye is the window to the soul, it is the most expressive sense organ. One can exert dominance with just a stare, the emotions of happiness, sadness, boredom, or jealousy all can be conveyed with just a look.

Nazar or Evil Eye is believed to be a curse or malevolent glare, cast on a person usually when one is unaware.

It is believed that the victim’s good looks, sound health, or wealth can be targeted by someone with an evil eye. The harm of this supernatural gaze can come in the form of small misfortune, disease, or injury. The evil eye also has the power to affect animals and plants.

For The Love Of God Protect The Babies

Babies and children are said to be more susceptible to the curse in many cultures and various methods are used to fight off the curse in different parts of the world.

In India, they have mojo, a black dot on the forehead of the baby, which is supposed to be working the protection from blind, so for a…



Khyati Jain
Blue Insights

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