Photo by Nick Bondarev from Pexels

The Myth Of Perfect Relationship


You need a perfect human being for a perfect relationship.

A handsome guy meets a sweet girl, they fall in love. The hero fights the villain whose agenda is to separate the two lovers. Our super athletic hero wins for his lady love and then they live happily ever after.

That is the storyline of every Bollywood romance ever made, minus a million songs of course.

Why does all romcom end after the guy gets the girl?

Getting the girl is not the hard part, keeping the girl, and dare I say happy is the real challenge.

A good relationship requires work from both partners equally, a single person can not shoulder that responsibility alone.

And if you expect your partner to burden this responsibility on their own so that you can be happy then you are being a selfish person and your relationship will surely go down in the dump.

So, don’t be that person and do the work. If you love your partner enough if not 3000 then you will be willing to put in the work. Don’t leave them alone in the journey that you promised to be a part of.

Have realistic Expectation



Khyati Jain
Blue Insights

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