The Quiet Celebration of My Life

It is the smallest of things to you that make my life so big

Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readApr 20, 2024


By Javier Dall on iStock (image licensed by author)

So bored I am boring myself, so
I took myself out of the house,
bought myself a glass of wine,
a toast to myself, by myself,
a celebration of my stupidity,
finally learning late the biggest
of things in my life are the smallest
of things to anyone but me. My
stepdaughter called me Dad on
the phone… a nod, a sip, and a thank
you my love. A gracious note
from a friend, loved your book,
gave one to a friend… my glass
raised to her and the needed smile
she put on my stressed face. Jogging
down the path, everyone passing
and nodding, keep going I tell myself,
I am now King of the Snails, but not
yet ready to give up an hour of just
me in the morning mist… my glass
tipped to celebrate another day of my
life, face in the wind, the crunch of gravel…
slower now, so slow, but they can’t
bury you if you are still moving, it’s
the law. My phone rings, a friend in hiding,
fighting the cancer thing, hey, it’s me,
it’s in remission, I have more time…
please come see when you can brother,
a tear, a nod, a thank you, a gift. We
get frustrated others don’t know, can’t
see within us, but I learned, I know when
it is all good, and sometimes I need
the quiet celebration of my own life,
alone, a nod, a sip, a smile.



Thomas Plummer
Blue Insights

A simple life dedicated to leaving the world a little better than I found it. Long career in the business of fitness, writer of books, speaker, personal coach.