The Stranger Inside You

Go into your body and meet the stranger inside of you.

Jordin James
Published in
Jun 11, 2021


“Go into your body and meet the stranger inside of you,” I heard
So I did
White fog all around
Nothing but my bare feet on the ground
Staring into the cloudy abyss

She came swiftly
Through the fog
A gentle creature
With a knowing smile
And her hand outstretched

“Come,” she said
“Follow me”
“I know the way”
So I did

Me guiding myself through the fog of my twisting
Showing myself the way back home
The stranger inside of me
Leading me on
Until I find myself seeing through her eyes
Until I find myself knowing what she knows

The stranger inside of me
The person I am about to become
Always inside me
Always knowing the way
I am never alone



Jordin James
Blue Insights

Worthiness coach, writer, parts work expert. Replacing loneliness with belonging, one part at a time. Find more: // Socials: @justjordinjames