The Unsaid Things: Part 1

Nancy Mutisya
Blue Insights
3 min readApr 8, 2024


Photo by Thom Milkovic on Unsplash

This is a new series, transitioning from thought pills.

I’m a huge advocate for journaling. Everything I know about myself came from journaling and realizing, ‘Oops… I’m toxic!’ 😂 I’m now transitioning to digital journaling. I find physical journals a bit too much. Like, someone can literally take my journal and start reading my stuff. So rude! Digital journals are so easy to use, and I can journal anytime and anywhere. I don’t have to carry a book around while guarding it like it’s a briefcase full of cash.

You know how some people have no sense of privacy? Like, what are you doing peeping through my phone? Can I text in peace? 😏. I have a huge, or even extremely sensitive, sense of privacy. I really value giving people their space, even if they don’t deserve it. It’s like we meddle in other people’s business too much sometimes. Do you have to be part of every conversation? Does your opinion always have to be heard? Do you need to be informed about everything going on in your friends’ lives? Do I have to call you every day? Don’t you have a life of your own?

It’s like these people who are always talking. Like, can you be quiet for 30 minutes? It’s so weird when someone has to be constantly speaking, what’s wrong? 😂 One of my friends once told me the reason they like me is because I don’t talk a lot, so they don’t feel pressured to keep me engaged with stories. Like, we can be next to each other and be quiet for hours, and no one gets irritated. People-pleasing habits make us think that keeping people engaged with conversations will make them like us. But let me tell you, you can tell someone 10,000 stories about cats, and they still will not like you. So just be you.

We come into this world as individuals, and we will leave as individuals. But it’s saddening how, in between, we often forget that the second most important relationship after our relationship with God is the one we have with ourselves. How’s my relationship with myself? How does Nancy relate to Nancy? You can’t treat anyone better than you treat yourself. Our inner state is always reflected in our external state. You can spot a mentally and emotionally healthy person from miles away. It’s a rare, sweet aroma.

The other day, I took a walk just to ease my mind, and I had a realization: I only have myself in this world. No one will ever understand me the way I understand myself. They may catch glimpses based on what I reveal, but in totality, only God and I know me. My favorite way to align my thoughts is by being in nature. God’s presence is always there. It’s that tranquil state of existence that we can’t find in the noisy cities we love.

I’m currently reading ‘The Alchemist’ by Paulo Coelho for the 2nd time. What’s intriguing is that delving into this book again feels like I’m experiencing it for the first time. I’ve added it to my bucket list to read all of Paulo Coelho’s books because what else is there to do but travel the world and read good books? I mean, if I never achieve anything else in this life, let me at least feed my mind with meaningful stuff 😂. That’s the least we can do.

In the book, when Santiago goes to the old woman to interpret his dream for him, she didn’t tell him anything new!! And that’s something that always grabs my attention. She just repeats his dream to him. I don’t like it when people act like they know and they don’t. Like, miss, that’s what we just said, anything new? 😂 Then she tells the boy, ‘It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.’ It’s like Jesus in the Bible saying, ‘Whoever shall be the greatest among you shall be your servant.’ It just reminds me of how we’re so obsessed with titles and promotions. Like, what’s the title going to bring you? More peace? I mean, you’re still the same person, just with a bigger paycheck.

Et c’était la première partie.



Nancy Mutisya
Blue Insights

Turning thoughts, likes, ideas, and much more into stories.