The windmill

Blue Insights
2 min readJul 18, 2023


Photo by Sander Weeteling on Unsplash

Your stare at the broken clock hanging on the wall

With shattered dreams scattered in your dark bedroom hall

Your life is ruled by men you never knew

And still you have the nerve to tell me what to do

The bright flashes on TV swarms your good eye

You laugh at people falling, and those adverts make you cry

Your mind is blind to the real world outside

And still you have the nerve to tell me not to hide

Your life is run by those who tell you what to do

They who know even less than you

Your fear makes you nod your head and listen very clear

And still you have the nerve to tell me “listen here”

You’ve given your life to fantasies in the sky

Who say, you start living after the day you die

So you sit on your sunken couch and close your weary eyes

And still you have the nerve to tell me “don’t be shy”

I wake to the sun and look forward to it’s rise

I never take opinions from strangers who pass me by

I love living everyday and have goals to reach

But never have I had the nerve to speak up or to preach

I was blinded by your love, by it’s comfort and it’s ease

When I had hard days you would make it easy to breathe

But I needed more, and maybe I always will

One day I’ll finally learn to take the wind from the mill

