This Body I Call Home

Learning to accept, love, nurture this body of mine, troubles and all

Mo Adefope
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readOct 18, 2023


Photo by Emiliano Vittoriosi on Unsplash

This body of mine

it tries to seize

my joy

or so it feels

at every

waking moment

it turns

against itself

betraying its

duty to protect

clawing away

at its shelter.

Of what use is it?

twinging, poking

at its epidermis

insides churning

gnawing at my cheer


or so it seems

circulating ripples

of enmity in

every chamber of my


resting place.

Always, it concocts

a sort of

sinister hotchpotch

of ailments

but never does

it send me

six feet


below earth’s base

like it oftentimes

threatens to.

This body of mine

it may never

revel in its vigour

or reinforce

the harmony of my

biological systems

but it belongs

to me, only mine

to preserve

I must grow, sustain

admiration for this

form of mine

till death do us part.

-Mo Adefope



Mo Adefope
Blue Insights

Writer. Poet. Dreamer. Oenophile. Connecting through stories, musings and lessons learnt about love, relationships, identity, wellness and life.