Photo by Chris Abney on Unsplash


Two types of growth

Divya S
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readFeb 15, 2024


There is a difference between
Growing in the comfort of those you know
And growing in the stares of those you don’t.
The difference between
Growing in a garden
And growing in the wild.
The needs are the same.
In one case, you get what you need —
Sunshine, water, fertilizers.
Love, care, compassion.
Whenever you need them.
In another, you get what you get —
Sunshine, water, fertilizers.
Love, care, compassion.
Whenever it is offered to you.
In one case, growth is well-curated,
Painstakingly put together for one environment.
Remove the comfort
And the plant withers.
In other, growth is adaptive,
Accumulated by the will to survive.
There is nothing left to remove
And the plant is permanent.

It is great to grow in a garden,
If you never leave the garden.
But if you want to grow
Like the thickets of the jungles battling the sun,
Like the spread of weeds in the face of resentment,
Like the thrive of vines with any support they find,
Once in a while,
Explore the wild.

