Unfinished Business

Message from the spirit in your house

Tosin Sanusi
Published in
Oct 22, 2020


Photo by Juan Rojas on Unsplash

Come closer.
I know you can see me
or feel me.

To you
this place is home
decorated with memories.

To me
it’s a reminder
of everything I lack.

A receptacle
for all this love
gone unexplored, bubbling forth.

The warmth
of blood rushing
of meals nourishing.

The physicality
of existing in your realm,
feeling my feet against the floor.

I want nothing more
than to reach out and touch you
and for you to feel my hand.

But my desires,
like my lonely walks, are futile
because all you will feel is cold.

You wake up each morning and cry.
I sit watching, wondering why.
You have everything.
You live.



Tosin Sanusi
Blue Insights

Devoted cat mother. Sagittarius lady. Lifelong learner. Lover of food. tosinsanusiwriter.com