Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Unseen Heart

Naive belief gave birth to hope unseen


On a beautiful summer day, the blossoms fell with a gentle sway.
A picture of perfection amidst the blossoms,
like sunlight during a rain-drenched autumn.
Dazzled by the soft and gentle sight,
Unseen emotions swirled with all their might.

Stern face with a glint in her eyes,
They said her heart was as cold as ice.
How was it so easy to glean,
about a heart that was unseen?

Helping hands from the cold shadows,
always shielded the One in the meadows.
No effort to hide behind the flimsy screen,
Yet, how easy to scorn the kindness unseen?

So what if she had a demeanor like the frost?
Warmth and Cold weren’t always meant to be star-crossed.
Naive belief gave birth to hope unseen,
Alas, a beginning of sighs unforeseen.

On a beautiful winter night, under the soft moonlight.
A picture of tranquility, like the still waters of the lake.
Hid well the tremors of the soul, threatening to break.
If only the Moon knew, that the day darkened to let it shine.
Clarity slashed through the bedazzled heart,
Unseen affections were meant to fall apart.



Monica Ashokumar
Blue Insights

Clinical Research Audiologist | PhD in Cognitive Sciences