Using Words To Process Emotions

I wrote this short poem after an argument with a toxic family member

Zachary Phillips
Blue Insights
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2023


those few words
gave voice
to the silence
i always knew
was there

I wrote this short poem after an argument with a toxic family member.

They accused me of lying about my traumatic childhood, whilst simultaneously blaming me for not speaking out and judging me for seeming ‘resentful’ towards them.

Those few words confirmed to me my deepest fears and suspicions; that they either didn’t see me or that they didn’t care.

I was angry. I was triggered. I was looking for an outlet to express myself in a way that wouldn’t make it worse.

So, I picked up a pen and wrote.

First, I just expressed myself. No thoughts for form, or structure, or audience. No care given to clarity or grammar. Just words on a page. Pure expression.

Then, as I calmed down, I turned my attention inwards. What was I feeling? Why? What insights is this giving me?

I wrote down my answers and once again let the words flow until eventually the above poem formed.



Zachary Phillips
Blue Insights

Awareness. Acceptance. Authenticity. Helping people navigate dark nights of the soul.