Violence Not Love


Words by Egypt
Blue Insights
Published in
2 min readApr 25, 2024


Photo by Marianna Smiley on Unsplash

There are times when I feel my sanity is running away from me. This life can be harsh, and slowly dull our capacities of wanting to create a meaningful life.

People come and stamp a heavy boot on my heart, and leave me shattered in the dark, with no way home. The worst thing is they call this love. They say I only feel pain because we are broken people.

No, I feel pain because they either broke me or refused to let my previously shattered pieces heal.

Why do we call this madness love? This is not love it is violence. The sad thing is that a lot of modern-day love is covert violence disguised in a coat of love and relationships.

The only way for healing to happen is when we illuminate this toxic way of relating. When we take back our hearts and our time and say no more. We will not be objects for people to shower with toxic words.

We can only fully heal when we walk far away from the people we once wanted to be the closest to.

Even if we still hold a place in our hearts for the fantasy of their love.



Words by Egypt
Blue Insights

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts.