Roman Noodle taking a nap on the couch

Virus Vacation with Mommy

Meagan Burkhart
Published in
14 min readApr 1, 2021


Surviving the Pandemic as a Dog


I know lots of the humans are upset they’re stuck inside — I hear the talk on the news when Mommy watches it on the big box in the morning. The big guy with the hair is always talking about making America great again and how he’s going to fix things, but Mommy laughs at him.

“He has no idea what he’s talking about,” she explained to me.

She’s not sad though, because she has me. And I’m happy, because I have her all day!

The rest of this story is my mental journal. I’ll try to walk you through the days of everyone being stuck inside. I want to make sure my and Mommy’s story gets told to whoever wants to read it.

Day 3

I don’t really know why everyone is home all the time anymore, but I love it. Mommy doesn’t have to wake up early and leave me anymore for a long time. She still wakes up early, but she gets to sit with me and drink her coffee and write and play games and play the big wooden thing that makes songs.

This is the third day Mommy’s been home almost all the time. It’s like that thing everyone is always saying they want…a vacation? I guess that’s what is going on this month — a big vacation for everyone in the world! I keep hearing the guy on the TV say, “virus.” So, I’m…

