When dreams satisfy some of your desires

Sleep is essential.

Blue Insights
Published in
5 min readJul 16, 2019


Photo by Mariano Nocetti on Unsplash

Iwas smiling to fellow travellers, enjoying and looking around the attractions we’re passing by. Then I opened my eyes and all I could see was the striking light from my window.

It has been an exhausting hot summer day. It may not be exactly due to physical reasons but because of the hot and dry climate in this part of the globe. My body seems to feel weakened coming from the pool. Although I didn’t swim, I felt I had exerted too much energy for the day.

Sitting under the shade and feeling the warmth of the summer breeze, my eyes almost wanted to close. My mind badly needed a nap but I must be kept awake.My patient is doing her regular hydrotherapy session.

I usually browse my phone over and over while waiting, reading articles from medium, googling and browsing on social media while stalking on individuals I am curious with repeatedly. All the things I can do from my phone until the session is done, I am engaged .That’s actually 30 to 45 minutes idling.

On the way home,it looked like I was the one who did the therapy. The lady I am working for, was super energized and I,who just sat and waited,doesn’t seem to be alert and moving.

Fatigue invades us for no reason at any time.

Sometimes our body suddenly feel tired. It may be due to the accumulated stress, the nature of the job, your body built and all other reasons affecting your mood and health. Some personal matters also can invade your emotional and physical state. We all needed to rest at some points. Our brain needs to shut down for at least few minutes to keep us going, so as our body.

After lunch, I usually took a short nap.This time, it was as if I must do it right away at the very moment but I needed to finish my tasks first.

I browsed at my phone for a while and then fell into a deep sleep afterwards. So deep that I don’t even remember if I heard noises outside which is usually the case in my neighborhood.At about 15:00 o’clock in the afternoon, I was totally blacked out.

I entered a huge public dining room. There were people with trays, queuing for food but I also saw some lying on the sofas in one corner. It wasn’t exactly a dining room after all. It looked like a general purpose hall.

At a table on my right side, I saw slices of juicy pineapple piled on trays . I went to take a piece, then another, and another. It was the sweetest and tastiest pineapple I ever ate in my life as long as I remember. The way they peeled it, was so flawless. I took more and more voraciously.

People were staring at me and I didn’t mind. My hunger was more important and the fact that the juiciness of the fruit excited my palate.

The trays seem not being emptied at all.It’s always filled and I was amazed. Still,I kept grabbing every piece that I could until my stomach was full.

I went out from that hall and took a ride. I actually don’t know how it happened, then suddenly I was travelling with a group around Paris. Looking at the Eiffel tower, I thought I was really in France then I heard Miley Cyrus “it’s the climb”, playing on the background. That was the sound of the alarm on my phone. My excursion came to end. Bye for now Paris. Work is the reality.

Dreams sometimes, fulfill our desires subconsciously for things we miss or we want to fulfill. I was looking at photos from my past vacation before I fell into a deep sleep, savoring the memories of eating tropical fruits back home. Paris is one on my bucket lists that I truly wish to visit one day but I wasn’t thinking of it that time. It was I guess because of the enchanting fireworks display I saw on TV during the Bastille day celebration the previous day.

When we’re fresh from vacation, we usually think more of the memories until it will finally just be kept in our archives and in the back of our minds.

Goals we have, even if we’re not thinking about it all the time , usually appears during our sub conscious state. And it’s just normal. Dreams do sometimes have significant meanings. It may be some of our deepest thoughts and feelings in life.

At times, we feel relieved having good dreams and worried when it’s the opposite.

The main thing is, you don’t rely on your dreams alone. If you have a bad dream, it doesn’t mean you’re into it and that it may happen to you. You are still maneuvering your own life.

We talk about mindfulness, it’s always connected in any way to how we manage our lives.

Dreams reflect off of your thoughts using only your subconscious mind.

There are many influences surrounding us that we need to consider. Dreams are just the way our minds try communicate to us for some situations we’re into or might be affecting us. But in reality we have to exert effort or work hard in order to make things come true or the other way around.

Bad dreams may reflect your own struggles along the journey.It may be the way your mind wanted you to put more effort into bettering some parts of you and that it needed a serious attention. It may be reflections of difficult and bad experiences you had encountered in your life. It always depicts something in you but it doesn’t mean it will affect your lifestyle in general.

For every dream, there is YOU who will still control your life after all.

Don’t let your dream be the only influence of your life as a whole. Take only the message from it into improving yourself positively. Dreams can be reality but your actions are much more realistic. Don’t allow the negativities to steal your motivations.



Blue Insights

Loves to write about life motivations,my personal&others' experiences; anything about nature under this vast blue but sometimes and/or not oftentimes cloudy sky