When God Sang Me His Favorite Poetry

He will come and sing you also his boring poetry

Dilbag Singh
Blue Insights
Published in
1 min readOct 14, 2020


Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

He was not rhyming at first,neither making any sense,
I felt I am wasting my time,their is no suspense.

He talked many solution but did’t told “what is the problem”,
he told me the events but not their pattern.

It was so boring , so I went sleep even while listening,
but even in my dreams I could listen him singing.
He was trying some jokes,but nothing was cracking.

Suddenly , It strikes, what if it is a prophecy?, what if it is a warning?
I wake up and started listening carefully,
I wished , If it is something for my healing.

He was saying my name ,
he was singing about my life,
he was singing my saga ,
he was singing my rife.

I laughed, and started crying,
I wanted to sail back to the time,
I was cursing myself for not loving myself and blaming god for the rhyme.

This poem is here to tell you, we all are god’s favorite creations, we should trust in his writings and our hard work, for rhyme our life with melodies.

Your responses are welcome. Feel free to help me write better.



Dilbag Singh
Blue Insights

Young, broke and software engineer. On voyages of words to prevail the world of thoughts.