Why so Serious?

Keep it simple, fast and playful

Tomo Luetić
Published in
5 min readDec 2, 2019


Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash

We are more than our minds currently know in all of its seriousness.

Do you ever find yourself thinking about how a better off you were back as a kid? Or when you actually had a real job?

You didn’t have the time to take your life so seriously, right?

I’m not talking about reflecting on your life here. I’m talking about the good old fashioned disease that happens in real-time while we’re being serious. Call it overthinking. Perfection. Or self-censorship. Fear. Regret. Or whatever puts you down.

Recently, I’ve been procrastinating with my writing.

I felt a lack of direction. Who am I in all of this? Why can’t I write like I played soccer with the kids in the back yard? Why do I try to sabotage myself?

I needed to push the reset button, so I went back to one of my forming experiences.

When I got the first real job that I decided to keep for more than a month, I worked in a corporate restaurant.

I was inexperienced but deadly serious.

It made my life a walking hell. My face looked like I’m about to play tennis at the Wimbledon finals but my body was too slow, too clumsy and with too many tables to handle at once.

