Wingless Butterfly

Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
Blue Insights


Photo by grayom on Unsplash

Parental love is obedience, rules and becoming a clone of them a version of them our mothers, our fathers.

My mom, my dad a complicated relationship between I love, and I loathe them.

The reason why I am so afraid of people and my doubts are so high is because my mother and my father, sorry my mom and dad made me fear the world.

As a caterpillar growing up the most gruesome dark sides of the world was shown to me only the bad no space for any good, so when I became a butterfly, I was missing a wing and could not fly.

I do not know love from my mother and father who showed me hate, rules, obedience yet no warmth, love, or parental essence.

I could never fly as I do not have the wings to reach to the sky.

If I can never learn to fly, will I die, or will someone from the sky reach out to me before I die?

. . .

-Maii Fallara Poetry 05/2023. All rights reserved. ©2023-♾



Maii-Michaella Miatti Fallara
Blue Insights

“An enigmatic whisper in time, my words—a gateway to the soul’s odyssey, remembered in the silence of the stars.”